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If you are looking for books to learn Brazilian 7 string guitar, you're in the right place! I have 6 different books: with Introduction to 7 strings, phrases, learning Samba and Choro and others!
Look at these examples:
Studies available:
1) Título: 7 strings guitar for beginners;
Conteúdo . 12 studies.
. Major tone.
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Click to buy: 40,00 BRL
2) Title: Studies phrases (vol.1)
. 7 studies.
. 35 phrases, Major tone; (C,D,E,F,G,A,B).
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3) Title: Studies phrases (vol.2)
. Phrases: Major and Minor tone;
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4) Title: Estudos - Violão 7 cordas
. Phrases: IIm7(b5)_V7_Im
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Click to buy: 70,00 BRL
5) Title: Playing Choro with PLAYBACK
. Brazilian Choro
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6) Title: Brazilian guitar phrases
. Phrases on tradicional harmony of Samba;
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7) Title: Playing Choro with
PLAYBACK (Ernesto Nazareth)
Post: send by email (PDF and AUDIO PLAYBACK)
(Vésper, Fidalga e Homenagem a Dino don´t have a Playback)
Studies for foreigners
Interested in handouts residing in other countries (other than Brazil) send an email to brunovinciviolao@gmail.com.